Saying Thank You

“If only there was enough space on this tiny card to evoke my unfettered joie de vivre for what you have done. The gaiety, the mirth, the heavenly bubbling of every effusive cell that sings inside me for your kind and pithy offering.”
Joshua Braff, The Unthinkable Thoughts of Jacob Green

If sorry seems to be the hardest word to say/express. We’re going to throw out a vote for “Thank you” being the hardest phrase to say/express. Do you handwrite a card? What should the card say? Should there be a word count? Do you send a little gift in return? Is there even a best way to show the giver how much their gift has meant without seeming cheesy or fake? Maybe we at Purple Is The New Black have spiraled down the rabbit hole a bit with this, but it IS important to make the small effort of thanking those who have provided any kind of donation or support to your team!


The classic thank you card  Maybe this is giving you flashbacks of being forced to sit at your kitchen table and write out thank you cards for each birthday or Christmas gift from your relatives (just me?)  Give that classic handwritten thank you card new life! Remember that this ISN’T a thank you to your grandma for the socks. You can’t get away with a fast line and a hasty signature. Instead consider having each team member write a small note in each card. If you’re holding fast to the classic business-like thank you letter make sure to keep it structured. Begin with a line of thanks, continue with a fun memory or detail from your walk, and then conclude with heartfelt wishes. These do not have to be long sentiments but they must sound sincere (take your time and if you get tired pause or stop for the day to avoid sounding generic).

I just called to say…  This could be a fun one for the more outgoing members of your team. A popular thank you method for bands, calling your donors to have a quick chat and personal thank you is a great way to connect and give a more personal feel to your cause. *For the phone-phobic: this does not have to last an hour. It should go a little something like this:
“Hi, is this Donna Lewis?”
“Hi, Donna! This is Lauren from the Lupus walk team, Purple Is The New Black. I just wanted to call and thank you so much for your donation. My team and I really appreciate you taking the time to donate to this cause and our team specifically.”
“Oh, of course! No trouble at all!! How was the walk?”
…Convo continues for another minute and then you hang up.
See? Not a big deal. If the person doesn’t answer you can always leave a short and thoughtful message. If you aren’t able to acquire donor phone numbers you can always send a thoughtfully worded email.
It’s in the details Sometimes it’s the little details people notice and remember. Instead of buying generic thank you cards from the store consider having a team building night with your walk team to make and decorate cards in preparation. An idea I’m really loving is a plain white card on which each member of the team leaves a purple lipstick kiss . With individual notes inside this is not only a great reason to buy that purple lipstick you’ve been eyeing, but it’s also a great way to add a personal touch to your thank you!


Gifts (tacky vs too much) This is one you’ll want to treat carefully. Gift giving for donations can be a bit tricky, so you might want to use this sparingly. Perhaps gift the big donors with your team t-shirt or a specially designed “I donated to…team name…” shirt. The t-shirt idea is a suggestion that could be substituted with anything else, but remember there is little more people love than free t-shirts.


Smile! I think this is the cutest idea, but it needs to be done in a timely manner! Make sure to take a few team pictures during the walk (upload to all social media, obviously) but also turn them into fun magnets and send two or three to donors as a thank you!


Maybe none of these ideas appeal to you, but you’ll want to keep in mind that creating a personal connection to your donors will not only help you stay connected in the future but it will also give a face to the cause.

Happy Walking!

Purple Is The New Black


Our Captain’s Challenge



As I’m writing this entry, I’m looking out the window watching the last snowflakes of the season fall. Although it is the second day of spring, Boston seems to fall a little behind on seasons. Looking at the snow and the sun attempting to break through the clouds made me think about the infamous saying, “Out with the old and in with the new.”

Last week, I signed up for a fitness challenge. It’s a 28-day challenge through FitGirls Guide (check them out on Instagram @fitgirlsguide). I didn’t choose to sign up for a fitness plan to lose weight or get super ripped (although, a firm Beyoncé booty would be nice) but for my health.

See, it’s easy to say, “I can’t run, my knees hurt. I can’t lift, my back hurts. I can’t take the stairs, my hips hurt.” The list goes on and on and on. I know this because those were my excuses. And I believed them. Reality struck me in the face when I noticed that I couldn’t walk all the way up to the third floor to take my students to class without gasping for air. Or that shaving my legs caused me to cramp. Sure, it’s lupus but it’s also me.

I notice Lupies, myself included, are always preaching about staying positive, being optimistic, and never letter lupus get the better of you. Okay, so, we don’t let lupus control our emotions or our outlook on life but why—and I mean this in the most loving way—why do we let lupus consume our physical selves? If you’re not stretching, walking, and being active, you’re letting your muscles become stiff and more painful. You are giving into lupus by not moving your body.

To be clear, this message isn’t about judging anyone or forcing anyone to bandwagon a certain lifestyle. This message is love. It’s pure love to my lupus brothers and sisters to get active and love their bodies. I have been in the challenge only one week. I would be lying if I said it isn’t hard but I would also by lying if I said it wasn’t easy. I just do the best I can and give my body the TLC it needs. Don’t sell yourself short. You owe it to your body.

Feel free to follow my FitGirl journey on Instagram @gee_fitgirl. DM me with any questions regarding the program or my routine!


Peace, Love, and Butterflies,

Gladys Marie

How to: Write Letters to Potential Sponsors

Letter writing can be a scary process. The blank page combined with the desire to sound professional, educational (in case they have never heard of your cause), and sincere can be crippling for anyone trying to write their first of many sponsorship letters. Deep breath. We can’t all be Hemingway, so put that level of perfection from your mind right now.

Before you begin writing you need to know what you are asking for. Is it donations of food or beverages to sell at your booth during the walk? A monetary donation? Permission to post information in or around their building? Narrow this down and work from there. Much like a cover letter, you will want to hit the following three points:

  • Who you are/your cause
  • Why you have chosen them specifically to help you (do some research!)
  • A personal story

However, keep in mind the number of letters you will be delivering/sending. This level of attention and time can not be devoted to 50+ potential sponsors (unless this is your actual job). You will want to complete a more general letter (see example below) to send in mass and save the more pointed letters for those who you think can/will donate in a big way.





Lupus remains under recognized, despite the fact that over 1.5 million Americans have lupus.  Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that can ravage any part of the body. Below is the personal story of YOUR TEAM NAME team captain(or whomever), NAME:

It was April 2012 and I couldn’t help but stare around the room. I paid close attention to every aspect of the room. Like the ugly burgundy carpet with tiny cream colored polka dots or the fake plant collecting dust in its leaves in the corner. I wanted to remember this room.

For almost a year, I had been searching for an answer. The answers were never there. Finally, the day came. I remember those tiny cream colored polka dots on the carpet blurring as they danced in my field of vision when the doctor said to me, “Your ANA test came back positive”. A positive Antinuclear Antibody test indicates that there is an autoimmune disease present in my body.

After more blood work, referrals, and an appointment with a specialist, I met my new fate on December 12, 2012. I didn’t care to inspect the room. I can’t tell you what the carpet looked like or the paintings on the wall, if any. But, I do remember my heart falling into the pit of my stomach when I heard the words, “It looks like you’ve got lupus”. Then, I crumbled.

There is no cure for lupus. It will never go away. I can’t take a magical pill or get a vaccine that will rid me of this daily burden I live with. My joints ache. My memory is dull. My skin is sensitive. My hair is thinning. My stomach is burning. My body is…exhausted.

The hardest part about lupus is not the ignorant medical professionals, insensitive family and friends, the constant blood work, or the consuming disease—it’s knowing that you will never have peace. I have accepted that I have lupus. I do not pity myself or the others because we are soldiers in this battle. I refuse to accept that I will never obtain peace. There will be a day when I will no longer feel any pain and I can live my life the way I have always dreamt of. But that requires you

Yes, I need you. I need to you to be aware of lupus and the damage it causes not only to the body but the soul. I need you to refuse to accept that there is no cure and demand adequate research and awareness. I need you to help change my life and the lives of millions of others. I need you to support my team, Purple Is The New Black, as we Walk To End Lupus Now in Boston.

We need you.

Thank You,


On DATE I will be helping the Lupus Foundation of America solve the cruel mystery of lupus, the world’s cruelest, most unpredictable and devastating diseases, while giving caring support to those who suffer from its brutal impact. Funds raised through Walk to End Lupus Now support a comprehensive program of research, education, advocacy, and support. 

Every bit helps. Your donation will provide our team with a way to spread Lupus awareness to every person we encounter, not only on the day of the walk but every day after that we wear our team shirts we will be bringing Lupus awareness to the community.

Thank you for your support!



CONTACT INFORMATION: Website, Email, Phone, Twitter, and Facebook

A few final tips: Keep your letter to a single page, include a deadline for them to get back to you, write a few drafts, have a friend proofread them, and don’t forget to follow-up about two weeks later if you haven’t heard back.


Check back for our blogs on saying thank you and how to team build, as well as an exciting post from Purple Is The New Black Team Captain, Gladys!

Happy Walking!

Purple Is The New Black