Our Captain’s Challenge



As I’m writing this entry, I’m looking out the window watching the last snowflakes of the season fall. Although it is the second day of spring, Boston seems to fall a little behind on seasons. Looking at the snow and the sun attempting to break through the clouds made me think about the infamous saying, “Out with the old and in with the new.”

Last week, I signed up for a fitness challenge. It’s a 28-day challenge through FitGirls Guide (check them out on Instagram @fitgirlsguide). I didn’t choose to sign up for a fitness plan to lose weight or get super ripped (although, a firm Beyoncé booty would be nice) but for my health.

See, it’s easy to say, “I can’t run, my knees hurt. I can’t lift, my back hurts. I can’t take the stairs, my hips hurt.” The list goes on and on and on. I know this because those were my excuses. And I believed them. Reality struck me in the face when I noticed that I couldn’t walk all the way up to the third floor to take my students to class without gasping for air. Or that shaving my legs caused me to cramp. Sure, it’s lupus but it’s also me.

I notice Lupies, myself included, are always preaching about staying positive, being optimistic, and never letter lupus get the better of you. Okay, so, we don’t let lupus control our emotions or our outlook on life but why—and I mean this in the most loving way—why do we let lupus consume our physical selves? If you’re not stretching, walking, and being active, you’re letting your muscles become stiff and more painful. You are giving into lupus by not moving your body.

To be clear, this message isn’t about judging anyone or forcing anyone to bandwagon a certain lifestyle. This message is love. It’s pure love to my lupus brothers and sisters to get active and love their bodies. I have been in the challenge only one week. I would be lying if I said it isn’t hard but I would also by lying if I said it wasn’t easy. I just do the best I can and give my body the TLC it needs. Don’t sell yourself short. You owe it to your body.

Feel free to follow my FitGirl journey on Instagram @gee_fitgirl. DM me with any questions regarding the program or my routine!


Peace, Love, and Butterflies,

Gladys Marie

2 thoughts on “Our Captain’s Challenge

  1. Couldn’t agree more!! I was diagnosed with lupus (finally some answers!) earlier this year, though symptoms have been piling up and getting worse for almost a decade. While my fitness goals and methods have had to change over time, it’s something I refuse to give up. Good luck on the challenge, lupie or not, you got this!!

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